Photo courtesy of Atlantic Records I’m here with fellow Ohioan, Nolan Taylor. Nolan is going to be playing a show in Chicago, Illinois on December 3rd at Carol’s Pub and I will be there to cover it! Right now, though, we’ve got him for an interview! There will be links to his social media and […]
Tag: Interview
Christina Bolda sits down with Kingdom Collapse
Christina Bolda interviews Adema about their tour, new singer and more!
Caryn Egan of the Michael Martin Band talks name change, sound and more!
In close quarters at Smoke Daddy’s in Wicker Park, a four piece took the stage and brought their energy to the Friday night crowd. Mike Martin (vocals/guitar), Caryn Egan (vocals/fiddle), Mikey McKnight (drums) & Lars Lindokken (bass) performed their own material and some great covers. They were also joined by guest bass player Kevin Egan […]
Lauren Starkey talks influences and pirates vs ninjas with September Mourning
What are your biggest influences behind this project ( not necessarily other bands )? The project itself is a trans media concept project based off of a central storyline…. That being said the influences for this project are widely varied. I took inspiration from movies and books, especially in the fantasy genre. Art and costuming/ clothing […]
ZouZou Mansour of Soraia Chats With Us About Touring and More!
You guys have done a lot of touring. How do you get ready to head out on the road? We rehearse a ton. We run the songs a ton, and try to write at least one new one. Not only to keep things fresh for us, but also to keep us trying new things on […]
Scott Lewis from Carnifex on inspiration for Slow Death Album and more!
Gallery from 3/9/17 show at Park Street Saloon
Mangrenade on living in the rust belt, political rebellion and violence at shows
Like all great modern things, this interview started on the internet. Myself and Ben Morgan (bass and vocals) of Mangrenade met on a Facebook group dedicated to fans of the band Every Time I Die. He posted about his band and I took a moment to listen to it and was pleasantly surprised for what […]
In Cycles In Circles – On the state of the music scene and more!
In Cycles In Circles are a Dallas based metal band that I was fortunate enough to meet about 3 years ago. It started when I met their guitar player, Zalen at a Listener show and he seemed like a hamster on speed, just running around and going crazy. On stage? He’s the exact same way. […]
JW Sargent – On recording his EP “In Retrograde”
Right before the end of 2016, I got the amazing opportunity to interview JW Sargent. Working for a magazine, we get offered a lot and I mean A LOT of music to review, and I always check out what’s sent. JW Sargent surprised me and I quickly sent his EP “In Retrograde” off to Julie […]